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Re: les montres en attente

Messagepar vitiflor » 11 Déc 2023, 22:10

37 mm en carré ça devrait bien aller.C'est un format qui fait vite mastoc .

Bravo pour la patience.
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Re: les montres en attente

Messagepar nonox » 11 Déc 2023, 22:47

Untel a écrit:Qu'est-ce qui a justifié un tel retard ?
Je suis pas trop nul en anglais, mais ils te font des mails interminables, voici un extrait d'un mail reçu debut 2022

Ground Crew Production Field Report

Publié par Redux & Co.
janv. 28, 2022

Afficher sur Kickstarter

Réservé aux contributeurs
Mission Control/ RDX Signal Corp.

Phase 5 Timeline: Production Prototypes


“If you don’t give up on something you truly believe in, you will find a way.” ― Roy T. Bennett

Backer Crew!
We hope your 2022 is on a smooth lift off the runway!

We know you're all eager for news on the production front. We understand how frustrating the wait is, especially when Amazon is delivering things in 2 days, and you can buy a Seiko off the shelf. Your loyalty and grit along with us through this difficult and discouraging season keeps us pushing and moving forward.

Some of you have asked if this project is still a go. It is 100% still a go! It's just taking longer than anticipated. So here's what's been going on.

We've decided to onboard another manufacturing partner to run parallel with concurrent efforts already underway. We have worked with them in the past on a separate project and have been pleased with their high level of quality control.

This team produced samples on the tightest timeline. This manufacturer will cost us quite a bit more, but the cost to you does not change. They are currently working on production prototypes, which will land after the holiday shutdown is over in March.

A big part of the delays we've been experiencing also stem from movement manufacturers that are still backordered. We can't make watches without movements. In addition, factories have shut down for their holidays, so workers can make the long trips home to be with family — which puts a pause on everything (on their end) for a month.

Another big factor is that we made the difficult decision to cease working with one of the prior manufacturers we had been working with. Our team on the ground made numerous visits to this particular factory and began to see red flags with their production plans that could not be foreseen before we proceeded, and became amplified as the scope of the project became larger than they could handle internally.

In the end, we couldn't take the chance, especially when we couldn't visit ourselves.

With all the dial design variants, titanium grade options, and date/no-date choices, we have 115 separate SKUs to produce (not including straps), so it is logistically a sizable project. In hindsight, perhaps launching all five models at the same time was a rather large bite to chew, but we were personally so excited about all of them.

We aren't going to pretend that it's a piece of cake, or that we have all the resources that larger watch companies have. But we will say this: we are committed to completing what we've started, and with utmost quality.

Since COVID restrictions mean we're unable to visit the factories ourselves, we're just really being extra careful about finding people we can trust to work with. We're committed to integrity — we're going to be wearing and using them, too!

And believe me, we're just as eager to get them. We're so grateful that so many of you have been so patient and understanding, and we just ask that you keep hanging in there with us while we make a way through together.

At this time we are aiming for production prototypes across all models to be finalized by March.

Personally, I'm horrible at waiting. I've definitely been feeling very stuck and frustrated with the delays. But we're just working on taking the next right steps each day.

While the factories are shut down for their holidays, we are not on pause. We'll be working on finalizing design refinements, decisions for packaging, and other remaining details so everything is ready to go once they're back. And we’ll definitely announce once our manufacturing partners ramp back up to speed.

We live in a world where it seems people are often just looking for things to criticize and tear down. We're so grateful for this loyal crew of backers that has demonstrated in the workshop and everywhere else that you're looking to build rather than destroy.

Désolé c'est long :D, alors oui ils changent de fournisseurs, en plein covid ils ne peuvent pas contrôler blablabla, j'ai pleins de mails comme ça, je pense qu'ils ont fait de leur mieux, et que c'est pas une mince affaire que de gérer ce genre de projet, j'espère juste que l'attente valait le coup
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Re: les montres en attente

Messagepar Untel » 12 Déc 2023, 00:37

Ah oui, le covid. Il y avait eu ça.

En espérant qu'il n'y ait pas un nouveau report. :angel4:
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Re: les montres en attente

Messagepar Ishtar » 17 Déc 2023, 15:56

Oh je me souviens que j'avais hésité sur ce projet!
heureusement que je me suis abstenue finalement!

Hâte de voir ce que ça va donner!
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Re: les montres en attente

Messagepar toflahutte69 » 03 Jan 2024, 22:33

obione a écrit:Je suis faible, j'ai craqué sur ça


Je me demandais ce que tu en pensais de cet hommage Zenith? Parce que j'avoue qu'elle est tentante :aras_qui:

Merci par avance de ton retour.
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Inscrit le: 02 Nov 2011, 12:33

les montres en attente

Messagepar Nonomad » 04 Jan 2024, 18:14

Un petit craquage de début d’année

Ça faisait un moment que je lui courais après

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Re: les montres en attente

Messagepar Tictac40 » 04 Jan 2024, 23:11

Nonomad a écrit:Un petit craquage de début d’année


Ça faisait un moment que je lui courais après

Vraiment originale :thumbsup: et au style d'une autre époque :D
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Re: les montres en attente

Messagepar Untel » 04 Jan 2024, 23:49

Elle doit être vraiment rare et difficile à trouver vu le peu de survivantes.
Félicitation. msp_thumbup
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Re: les montres en attente

Messagepar Nonomad » 05 Jan 2024, 01:56

Je confirme, pas facile à trouver
La première fois que j’ai failli l’acheter, c’était sur une brocante. Le boîtier était nickel mais le mouvement HS. C’était pas un souci, j’en avais un en stock, mais le vendeur m’a pris pour un américain. J’ai passé mon tour
Ensuite je l’ai croisé sur eBay à des prix délirant où dans des états lamentables, parfois les deux. Bref je m’étais un peu résigné. Et puis finalement la patiente a été récompensée. Elle arrivera de Belgique dans les prochains jours.

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Re: les montres en attente

Messagepar spunt2A » 05 Jan 2024, 08:31

Oooh !
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