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Info about Ambre mpb 1000

Messagepar Wushu-wingchun » 20 Mai 2012, 11:33

I'm sorry,but i'm frome Naples.In Italy ,Yonger e bresson(2009)'s moviments were ,for the most parts, Beautified Sea Gull ,made in France(China).I know latin,greek,chinese, but..french..mmm no :oops: is it true?Is e sea gull adapted by Ambre?Bah..I have many seiko's watches e the "ambre 1000 "moviment seems a seiko 6r20 without retrograde.BHAAAAAAA...i Don't know..Thank you,for your time.However,I have a Monceau...good watch,but the moviment..bah...Made in france?MMMMM...i think no.Made in seiko o miyota o china.The price is low cost(300 euro).I hope in a japan moviments,made in France.Here,everybody say's me..YONGER E BRESSON=CHINA.I think no..i think in a seiko.Yema was seiko group and the yema ymh f1137 is a Ambre 1000.Omega =Lemania;Rolex=Rolex;Eterna=Valjoux..Yonger bresson=Made in France?Mmmm...I think this moviment(Amber 1000) is from Japan(6r20)..adapted in France.Bah..Which is the truth?Made in France...?

Re: Info about Ambre mpb 1000

Messagepar Abbazz » 20 Mai 2012, 15:42

I don't think the new caliber from Ambre is based on the Seiko 6r20.

Here's a couple of pictures from the Ambre mpb 1000:

Picture Credit:

Picture Credit:

And here's the Seiko 6r20:

Picture Credit:

The Ambre website claims that this movement has been designed in France which, unless proven otherwise, might very well be the case, and assembled in France, which means the parts are made elsewhere (I would say China by looking at the finishing) and only final assembly and testing takes place in France. So I guess the whole movement is probably an original design from Ambre, assembled in France from parts made to specs somewhere in China...


Aussi arrive-t-il souvent que les artistes véritablement habiles et consciencieux sont confondus avec des vendeurs d'horlogerie, incapables et malhonnêtes, qui n'ont de notre profession que le titre, sans en avoir la science.

L'horlogerie astronomique et civile : ses usages, ses progrès, son enseignement à Paris : 1886-1887, A.-H. Rodanet, éditeur vve C. Dunod (Paris), 1903.
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Inscrit le: 18 Aoû 2009, 02:39

Re: Info about Ambre mpb 1000

Messagepar Wushu-wingchun » 21 Mai 2012, 12:15

Mmmm,i didn't know what happened in Yema Group(2005).When i Bought Monceau ,beh...i believed in this equation:Ambre =Yema;Yema =Seiko so...Yonger e Bresson=Seiko;I thought Yonger e Bresson used seiko moviments.I'm in Italy;beh..i worry about the assistance for..this moviment..Yema was a great French brand;now,in Italy,i've never seen a Yema watch again.For me,You can't write Fabrique In France;you have to write "China Moviments parts".I cant'understand Yonger e Bresson Policy.Many Italian Watch Manufacturiers write "Swiss parts"(Ronda) on moviments Assemblated in Italy.Bah..I hope for Seiko moviments(seiko 6r24 parts..booh..)I have a Peugeot 207 1.6 thp.I love my 1.6 thp.In Italy,if you say..i have a Mini Cooper,you have a sport engine;if you say i have a 207 1.6,you have a good engine :shock: Really Bmw(1)=Mini Cooper=Peugeot 207 1.6, about engine!But Mini is sport,Peugeot...bah..I'ts completely absurd!Dodge italy?Bleeeeaaaaaaa...Fiat Fremont?WOOOOOW...Fabrique in France,beh it's great!I think that this write can make a hit,in's ok,but...What is this amber mpb 1000?It's Fabrique in France :shock: .I think is no answer.For me.... :|Bah...Thank you for your avalaibility!Many thanks!

Re: Info about Ambre mpb 1000

Messagepar Abbazz » 21 Mai 2012, 17:00

Wushu-wingchun a écrit:Mmmm,i didn't know what happened in Yema Group(2005).When i Bought Monceau ,beh...i believed in this equation:Ambre =Yema;Yema =Seiko so...Yonger e Bresson=Seiko;I thought Yonger e Bresson used seiko moviments.

Yema was bought by Seiko in 1988 and remained a sub-brand of Seiko until 2005. In 2005, Yema's CEO, Mr. Louis-Eric Beckensteiner, purchased the brand from Seiko and began collaborating with Chinese manufacturers to release new models. In 2008, Yema was declared bankrupt and the brand was sold to the Ambre Goup which, among others, is also owner of the Yonger & Bresson brand. Ambre Group has since begun to develop a "French" movement, the mpb 1000, which has been declined in a number of versions equipped with various complications.

Wushu-wingchun a écrit:I'm in Italy;beh..i worry about the assistance for..this moviment..Yema was a great French brand;now,in Italy,i've never seen a Yema watch again.

Reno, which is a regular contributor here and on Watchuseek, had a very positive experience with After-Sales Department in Ambre Group, regarding the maintenance of a Yema watch, which was not under waranty anymore. It seems the company has a real commitment here...

Wushu-wingchun a écrit:For me,You can't write Fabrique In France;you have to write "China Moviments parts".I cant'understand Yonger e Bresson Policy.Many Italian Watch Manufacturiers write "Swiss parts"(Ronda) on moviments Assemblated in Italy.Bah..I hope for Seiko moviments(seiko 6r24 parts..booh..)I have a Peugeot 207 1.6 thp.I love my 1.6 thp.In Italy,if you say..i have a Mini Cooper,you have a sport engine;if you say i have a 207 1.6,you have a good engine :shock: Really Bmw(1)=Mini Cooper=Peugeot 207 1.6, about engine!But Mini is sport,Peugeot...bah..I'ts completely absurd!Dodge italy?Bleeeeaaaaaaa...Fiat Fremont?WOOOOOW...Fabrique in France,beh it's great!I think that this write can make a hit,in's ok,but...What is this amber mpb 1000?It's Fabrique in France :shock: .I think is no answer.For me.... :|Bah...Thank you for your avalaibility!Many thanks!

Of course I agree with you when you state that the brand's communication about the origin of their movements is not so clear. But Swiss manufacturers also like to stretch the meaning of "Swiss Made" when it comes to the real origin of the parts used to manufacture their watches. Nowadays the Swiss industry imports more watch parts from China than it exports to this country:


Aussi arrive-t-il souvent que les artistes véritablement habiles et consciencieux sont confondus avec des vendeurs d'horlogerie, incapables et malhonnêtes, qui n'ont de notre profession que le titre, sans en avoir la science.

L'horlogerie astronomique et civile : ses usages, ses progrès, son enseignement à Paris : 1886-1887, A.-H. Rodanet, éditeur vve C. Dunod (Paris), 1903.
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Inscrit le: 18 Aoû 2009, 02:39

Re: Info about Ambre mpb 1000

Messagepar Reno » 21 Mai 2012, 17:14

Hi Wushu-wingchun, welcome to MGN :emanu:

If I may chime in… difus_hibye

YEMA didn't go bankrupt because of wrong managerial decisions, but unfortunately out of bad luck :|

The main investor, Peace Mark, went bankrupt, and YEMA couldn't face alone the orders' financial cost.

The first sales of the 2008's line "Time of heroes" were pretty good, from what I've read. The PVD Sous-Marine auto was a great success (it was sold out after only a few months).

Regarding your concerns about YEMA's aftersales in Italy… I reckon Ambre Italia will be up to the task ;)

Ambre owns "Prima Classe Orologi", which is based in Italy, so…

Like Abbazz said, I have personnal excellent experience with Ambre's aftersale msp_thumbup on a YEMA, actually !
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Re: Info about Ambre mpb 1000

Messagepar Wushu-wingchun » 23 Mai 2012, 12:11

Hi,Reno;Nice to "Meet" you :icon_respect: [DailyMotion] :icon_respect: [/DailyMotion]
Beh i prefer these China Moviments in Europe Prima Classe (Ex Alviero Martini)Was a fashion brand;Yonger e Bresson is a good alternative brand to Hamilton...I'm sorry for China Moviments,'s ok :roll: !Beh,many thanks.Vive la France..of the French!If a see a Ferrari product with jap-engine,i think that i'll kill italian engineer :evil:Bye..

Re: Info about Ambre mpb 1000

Messagepar narayama » 23 Mai 2012, 12:29

Wushu-wingchun a écrit:Hi,Reno;Nice to "Meet" you :icon_respect: [DailyMotion] :icon_respect: [/DailyMotion]
Beh i prefer these China Moviments in Europe Prima Classe (Ex Alviero Martini)Was a fashion brand;Yonger e Bresson is a good alternative brand to Hamilton...I'm sorry for China Moviments,'s ok :roll: !Beh,many thanks.Vive la France..of the French!If a see a Ferrari product with jap-engine,i think that i'll kill italian engineer :evil:Bye..

Well you should not since Ferrari is owned by Fiat, you might have one day this engine in their cars :lol:

(Fiat 500 engine from
«Nous les gueux/ nous les rien/ nous les peu/ nous les chiens/ nous les maigres/ nous les Nègres/ Qu’attendons-nous/ Qu’attendons-nous pour faire les fous/ pisser un coup/ tout à l’envi/ contre la vie/ stupide et bête/ qui nous est faite ? »
(Léon-Gontran Damas - cité par Christiane Taubira)
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Re: Info about Ambre mpb 1000

Messagepar Wushu-wingchun » 23 Mai 2012, 22:33 should see a little Lancia Voyager with a Cinquecento engine, made in Romania,Polonia..Brasil,U.S.A or..a Cinquecento with a 5.7 Hemi...Marchionne policy is so briant...New Lancia Flavia with a little 2.4...For european whims!He is a genius!Naaa Montezemolo is a good manager..No Ferrari,No Party... :walk: Bye Yakahama..Yoga?Good nick msp_thumbup

Re: Info about Ambre mpb 1000

Messagepar THE CHAPS » 25 Mai 2012, 12:05

je comprend rien?????? :186d5539: :186d5539: :186d5539: :186d5539: :msp_confused: :msp_confused: :girl_cray: :girl_cray: :girl_cray: :girl_cray: :girl_cray: :girl_cray: :girl_cray: :girl_cray: :girl_cray: :girl_cray: :girl_cray:
"Alors il dort le gros con? Bah il dormira encore mieux quand il aura pris ça dans la gueule! Il va entendre chanter les anges le gugusse de Montauban! J'vais l'renvoyer à la maison mère, au terminus des prétencieux!"
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Re: Info about Ambre mpb 1000

Messagepar whysea » 25 Mai 2012, 13:49

THE CHAPS a écrit:je comprend rien?????? :186d5539: :186d5539: :186d5539: :186d5539: :msp_confused: :msp_confused: :girl_cray: :girl_cray: :girl_cray: :girl_cray: :girl_cray: :girl_cray: :girl_cray: :girl_cray: :girl_cray: :girl_cray: :girl_cray:

Speaking french is forbidden here :x1na5c:
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